Shining the light on truth while educating and bringing hope to our world.
The Great American Freedom Revival
Help is on the way - to awaken the American spirit
Shining the light on truth while educating and bringing hope to our world.
Help is on the way - to awaken the American spirit
Vendors are welcome. We encourage all grassroots organizations that are equitable to our Pro-God; Pro-life; Pro-Constitution stance on cultural issues. $150.00 affords you a table and admittance for two people. A simple application is required. Great exposure for your organization along with participation in a community shaking event.
If you are interested in attending and would like a vendor's table, please email us at and you can pay at the link below
This year we are featuring Rick Green and Star Parker. Both are dedicated to truth. Our mission is to encourage, enlighten and inspire. We bring understanding in history, current events and Biblical prophecy. Just as John was told to write in Revelation, the things which you have seen, the things which are and the things which will take plae after this.
The Central valley is home to many patriots. Some still need encouragement after being beat down by state legislatures, increased taxes, regulations and stupidity. They rally to truth as courage is contagious. This is where we unite. Time to re-establish our voice.
Join us at the Great American Freedom Revival, 2024.
Scroll back up and select the event button to register today.
The date is approaching fast and we’re making preparations. Don’t miss out!
Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St. Clovis
Team America presents our second annual revival in the city. Stirring the hearts and minds of friends and family here in the Central Vallery...
Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St. Clovis
To revive something, means to bring to life something that is dead that was once alive. A prayer for revival isn't an admiittance of death within ones soul, rather a death of the influence of God's Kingdom in our nation.
Repentance is the key. Humbling ourselves and praying and seeking His face. This is best triggered by more thoroughly understanding the issues of life and all that's facing us. Best way to shine the light of truth is to propagate through the channels of history, current events and Biblical prophecy.
Our weapons are not carnal, but mighty in God for the pulling down of strong holds; casting down every argument and high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled
1 Corinthians 10:4-6
George Orwell said; "Whoever controls the past, controls the future. Whoever controls the present, controls the past." This is why history has been under attack by the liberal/progressive enemies of this nation. Controlling what is taught in schools has turned many young Americans into America hating people. Thus, our future is in peril because we have lost control of the narrative. God has been removed from His rightful place of influence in the public debate and political discourse.
Don't miss this amazing event of God's people gathering and uniting to preserve our liberty and revive our land.
Gather The People!
Tune in for a heart felt message from Ted!
Sign up to hear devotional messages!
A good way to know the importance of something is to discern what the father of lies is distorting. There has been a major move to re-write history. Our youth are taught lies. Our founding fathers are greatly maligned. The history of America is ablaze in the gospel power and its influence on government creation, higher learning institutio
A good way to know the importance of something is to discern what the father of lies is distorting. There has been a major move to re-write history. Our youth are taught lies. Our founding fathers are greatly maligned. The history of America is ablaze in the gospel power and its influence on government creation, higher learning institutions, and the traditional values once honored.
Knowledge is good for today but wisdom prepares us for tomorrow. There is no greater teacher of wisdom than history.
"Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it."
Winston Churchill
Some sources report over 2,500 prophesies in the Bible. Not a one has ever been wrong. Some remain unfulfilled, while others are unfolding before our very eyes.
Jesus said to "take heed how you hear". In fact Jesus is quoted by John in the book of Revelation 22:7 - "Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of this bo
Some sources report over 2,500 prophesies in the Bible. Not a one has ever been wrong. Some remain unfulfilled, while others are unfolding before our very eyes.
Jesus said to "take heed how you hear". In fact Jesus is quoted by John in the book of Revelation 22:7 - "Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of this book."
The prophetic is mysterious and haunting, powerful and exhilarating. No man will understand all but we are compelled to pursue. His words draw us in, stirring the imagination, frightening the fearful, encouraging the brave, and uplifting the faithful. His words are ominous and brash, Kingly and mighty. They are daily bread and water to never thirst.
"Where there is no prophetic vision, the people cast off restraint..."
Proverbs 29:18
Jesus warned that the end times will be defined as in the days of Noah. Noah faced a flood and today we face a flood of deceit. According to 2nd Thessalonians, only those who hunger for truth will escape this flood and not perish. To navigate we need the helper who will lead us into all truth. We must be guided not just by the written wo
Jesus warned that the end times will be defined as in the days of Noah. Noah faced a flood and today we face a flood of deceit. According to 2nd Thessalonians, only those who hunger for truth will escape this flood and not perish. To navigate we need the helper who will lead us into all truth. We must be guided not just by the written word (logos), but by every (rhema) word that comes out of His mouth. The Holy Spirit will provide the gift of discernment to weather the storm of deceit and the flood of lies.
"If you don't read the news paper you are uninformed, if you read the newspaper you are misinformed."
Mark Twain
Imagine the cry of our heart in a song. Lord I need You is a very personal cry of the heart. Now imagine that same cry from the heart and soul of what made America great. America needs You Lord!
Copyright © 2018 - All Rights Reserved.
Date: September 14th, 2024, Time: 5pm - 9:00pm
Location: Bluff Pointe Golf Course 8225 N. Milburn, Fresno
Reservations need to be made by the 9th to order food. Just purpose in your heart what you can give and enjoy dinner with us.
Dinner, Music, surprise speakers, outdoor summer fun for all, auction and raffles as we raise funds to help bring in great voices for freedom.
October 19th speakers, Rick Green and Star Parker